
How To Get The Shocker Stun Baton In GTA Online?

By Ismail

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GTA Online has a brand new weapon, the Shocker Stun Baton, which is an electrifying addition to your arsenal.

Unlike other weapons in the game, you can’t just buy this one. Instead, you’ll need to go through a series of steps, solve a puzzle, and unlock it for free.

Don’t worry, in this article, I will show you How you can get the Shocker Stun Baton In GTA Online.

Step 1: Step Down From Being a Leader

Before you start your journey to get the Shocker, make sure you’re not the leader of any organization in GTA Online, such as a Motorcycle Club or the CEO of a business.

Just drop those roles for now, and you’re good to go!

Step 2: Get Abducted by a UFO

Yes, you read that right! The next step is to get abducted by one of the UFOs hovering over Los Santos.

These UFOs show up in the game from 7:30 PM to 6:30 AM (in-game time) during the Halloween event. To get abducted, just walk into the beam under the UFO.

Bonus Tip: If you take a photo of a UFO, you’ll get $15,000 and 1,000 RP. Take photos of all 26 UFOs to earn a bonus $100,000 and UFO-themed caps.

Step 3: End Up at Fort Zancudo

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After getting abducted, there’s a 50% chance you’ll wake up inside a secret bunker at Fort Zancudo. If you don’t wake up there, try again by visiting another UFO until you do.

Note: No matter what, you’ll get some cool alien-themed clothing like the Green and White UFO Boxer and a mystery shirt just for being abducted.

Step 4: Find the Crowbar

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Once you wake up in the bunker, you’ll be in first-person mode. Get up from the medical bed and look around for a crowbar.

It’ll be inside a cabinet. Just walk up to it and press the button to pick it up (A on Xbox, X on PlayStation).

Step 5: Grab The Shocker Stun Baton

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Now that you have the crowbar, leave the room and head down the corridor. Go through the first door on your left, where you’ll see some green crates.

Use the crowbar to open one of the crates, and voila! The Shocker Stun Baton is inside.

But you’re not done yet—you need to complete a puzzle to keep the weapon.

Step 6: Solve the Puzzle (Symbols and Levers)

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This is the trickiest part. At the end of the corridor, you’ll find four levers, each with glowing symbols above them.

You need to figure out the correct order to pull these levers to solve the puzzle.

The solution is based on how many times these symbols appear in different rooms of the bunker.

Step 7: First Room – Circle with Waveform Symbol

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Head back to the room where you woke up. Look for monitors showing a circle with a waveform symbol.

Count how many monitors display this symbol. The number tells you where this lever fits in the sequence (e.g., if there are two monitors, pull this lever second).

Step 8: Locked Room – DNA Helix Symbol

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Next, go to the nearby locked room with windows. Look inside and count how many weapons are on the stands.

This number tells you where the lever for the DNA helix symbol fits in the sequence.

Step 9: Shocker Room – Maze Symbol

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Go back to the room where you found the Shocker and check the crates. Some crates will have a glowing maze pattern symbol on top. The number of crates with this symbol will tell you when to pull the corresponding lever.

Step 10: Other Locked Room – Circle Lines Symbol

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Lastly, go to another locked room with windows. Look through the windows and count how many laptops display the circle with small lines symbol.

This will tell you the position of the lever for this symbol.

Step 11: Pull the Levers in the Correct Order

Get The Shocker Stun Baton In GTA Online

Once you know the order, head back to the levers and pull them in the right sequence.

Each correct lever will light up green.

But be careful!

If you get it wrong three times, the bunker will fill with gas, and you’ll be teleported back to a random spot on the map.

Step 12: Claim Your Shocker Stun Baton

After successfully pulling the levers, the nearby elevator doors will open.

Step inside, and you’ll emerge at Fort Zancudo with a 4-star wanted level.

Along with the Shocker, you’ll also get $25,000 and 1,000 RP for your troubles.

Enjoy Your New Weapon!

Now you have the Shocker Stun Baton, a powerful new melee weapon that can stun NPCs and other players for a few seconds, making them helpless.

Go out there and enjoy this electrifying new weapon in GTA Online!

That’s all you need to know about unlocking the Shocker Stun Baton.

Do you have any tips or experiences with the weapon? Feel free to share them in the comments!


MD. Ismail, founder of GTA6Guru, delivers exclusive leaks, detailed analyses, and the latest updates on GTA 6. His passion and expertise make the site a trusted hub for fans eager to stay ahead in the world of GTA.

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